
our rescue pups
Hi! It's nice to meet you. I would shake your hand, but I'm more of a fist-bump type of gal. 😃
Where to start? Would you rather know about me or my photography business? I'm going to choose for you and tell you a little bit of both. First up...a bit about me. I'm a math and special education teacher by trade and have worked at the middle school level for over 20 years. Whenever I tell people this, I usually hear "bless your heart" in return. I usually laugh (first) and then say thank you because it truly does take a special individual to do this job. You have to be a combination of patient, witty, empathetic, and "savage" (as the kids say) at any given moment. My husband (the super cute man in the pic with me) is also a teacher and we work together. In the same building. Did I just hear you say "bless your heart"? In all seriousness, I truly enjoy this life we've created together and it's hard to imagine things any other way!
Now onto photography because that's probably why you're checking out my page. I've always loved looking at photographs and feel that there is something to be said about how memories and photography are intertwined. Nearing my 40's, I decided to pursue this life-long interest of mine. I wouldn't call this a mid-life crisis....I just decided to start dreaming BIG again! We always tell kids they can be anything they want to be....right? The same goes for adults, but sometimes we take the long route, lol.
Now that you've read this far, I think this is the perfect place to stop. I need to have some anonymity and let's be honest...no one likes it when a person goes on and on about themselves. 😉 I would rather get to know you! This is where I segue into contacting me if you would like to book an appointment or have general questions. On that note, let's talk soon!